If you actually give a damn about my blog, you might have noticed that I have not posted anything for two weeks. You may have also noticed that my last post was about midterms. I have only very recently taken control of my life again, and the last few weeks have been a tornado of emotions and work for me. On the positive side, I've got some really great results back. 32/34 in Linear Algebra, 50/50 in computer science... Yeah, I'm pretty satisfied.
Anyways, I've actually got another midterm tomorrow. It's a pretty chill calculus exam so I'm not stressed.
I've also started learning guitar. I'm still learning the basics, but it's fun and relaxing. I recommend it as a hobby!
No, my guitar is not as awesome as Yui's. I just play a good ol acoustic guitar.
This Friday I have two midterms in two difficult subjects and an essay due. I have been studying nonstop for this whole week and it's still looking out to be a very tight race. In times like this I remember what it means to become an engineer. When I was younger I always wanted to prove myself to everybody because I always knew I was able of doing anything. Now is the time I have to prove myself. It's not a punishment, it's a test. And so I say BRING IT ON MIDTERMS. BRING IT THE FUCK ON!!!
Been feeling the pressure recently in university. I guess it's pretty normal, but I'm often getting thoughts of "I could just stop my studies and live a nice simple life". I'm a little worried about my future and sometimes I think I'd rather die than put all this effort into my engineering degree. I want to find a girlfriend and make some great bros, but I don't know if I'm able to do something like this. ahh how worrisome. I don't want to end up as a lonely engineer. ):
Food for thought:
- Hold up two magnifying glasses behind one another. Vary the distance between them and their distance from your eye, and you can end up seeing stuff very clearly but vertically flipped.
A gainer is an impressive flip usually done on a diving board. Doing a gainer means running forward, jumping forward and doing a backflip. Gainers can be done by people of all body shapes and sizes provided you put an appropriate amount of force in your spin.
This video is an example of a gainer.
Before trying a gainer, it is a good idea to get good at doing backflips.
How to do a backflip:
1. Stand at the end of the board. Your feet do not have to be on the edge.
2. Jump backwards. Don't go into a ball yet, but do try to reach a position where you are laying down in the air. Body open, stomach pointing upwards.
3. At the top of your jump, when your stomach points upwards, bring your knees into a ball to begin spinning.
4. The landing should come naturally. Try to fall feet first, straight down into the pool without spinning as you hit the water.
After having a good grasp of the backflip, you can begin trying to do a gainer.
How to learn to do a gainer on a spring board:
1. Begin while standing halfway across the diving board.
2. Take a few steps, then when you are near the end of the board, rotate 45 degrees with a bounce, land near the end of the diving board and pull off a backflip with your side facing frontward. If you properly gave yourself a running start, you should continue flying forward. If you hold back, you might just do a backflip at the left of the board. If your pool is small do not try this.
Try to do this. You don't need to put spin on your movement to land straight backwards.
If you can't do this, try to do a backwards dive. You can practice your spin later. Also try to jump higher to give yourself more time.
3. Repeat this process, and every time try to point your feet a little closer to straight in front.
If all works well, you should now be able to do gainers straight forward.
How to learn to do a gainer on a platform that does not bounce:
As in the gainer for the spring board, you should begin doing this manoeuvrer sideways and gradually point your feet forward.
1. Get a running start
2. Jump with power using your left foot. (if you are right-footed) Try to shoot diagonally.
3. In the air, kick your right foot forward. (if you are right-footed)
See how he jumps using his left foot, and kicks with his right leg?
4. If you kicked well, your body should now be flat in the air: stomach pointing upwards. At this time, just bring your knees in like you would in a backflip. You may have to bring them in very tight if you jump from a low height.
More or less the end result.
You must jump far enough so that you don't hit your head against the board. Learn this move at a pace you find comfortable.
If you mess up and hurt yourself, it's not my fault. Don't get ahead of yourself.
This public service announcement made me feel things.
I think that this video clearly showed the innocence of children in front of their parents' decisions.
Lelouche skiing. I thought it looked pretty cool, and it reminded me of the great time I had skiing last winter.
No words can express the awesome.
A screenshot I took from when I was watching bakemonogatari. I didn't think the story was very interesting, but I REALLY loved the colours and the architecture in the background. It much reminded me of Mirror's Edge, which is one of my favourite games.
Been playing the CRAP out of Devil May Cry 4 recently. The new DmC trailer got me wanting to get back into the series. I've beaten the whole game, and all I need to do now is get all S rank in Son of Sparda and Dante Must Die difficulties.
I also need to clear the bloody palace, but that shouldn't be too hard. Yesterday night I spend 2 hours and 15 minutes getting to stage 101/101 in the bloody palace only to lose to the final boss... I'm not so sad because I still got experience points and currency by getting to that point, but ehhh sorta disappointing.
Anyways, Nero is by far the better character in this game. Dante is too slow, while Nero can easily dispose of anything just by abusing the Blue Rose's triple charged shot and the EXceed gauge.
I've been playing this game for 75 hours so far! After I finish clearing the whole game, I'll take on Devil May Cry 3 again and try to get all S rank in that one too!
Anyways, great franchise. I recommend Devil May Cry 3 and 4 to all action gamers. Both are available for PC.
By making the new anime "Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt", Gainax took fanservice to a whole new level. At this point it's literally watching digital strippers.
... I wonder if this will become well known, or if it will just be overshadowed by other animes released this season? (Like that extremely fabulous Star Driver anime...)
My computer science 111 class is divided into two parts: The lectures and the labs. During the lectures, our teacher just teaches us how to code in C and talks to us about how computers work. During the labs, we have short assignments to complete and submit, which test our knowledge.
But man, the lab sessions are just pathetic. 9/10 guys and/or girls there have ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE of what they have to do. Jeez people, if you don't have ANY prior experience with programming you should at least practice a little (or pay attention in class...)
It's just ridiculous when your neighbour turns around and asks you what the printf function does... Or when he is COMPLETELY unable of even using a computer in the most basic sense by turning on the program we use to edit text...
I can't wait till all of these kids drop out after the midterms. Fuck newfags who don't even have the decency to put a minimal effort into learning the material.
My face when I finish the 3 hour lab in 15 minutes and go home